Evelien van den Broek
Evelien van den Broek studied music composition and technology (HKU). She composes and sings in multimedia projects and creates sound performances with instruments, objects and electronics. She also writes music for films such as for Het Everzwijn with Thom Hoffman and Carice van Houten and .nijnoK (Golden Calf award).
2015 was the release of the album ‘London’, recorded in the famous Hilvaria Studios and she creates danceperformances with Eva Baumann and shows with many others. Evelien presented in 2015 under the alias KUrKKU a new project for a female voice and live electronics; to be seen during November Music (2015) and Museum De Pont (2016).
In Tanzen auf dem Malerwanderweg Evelien composes and sings the libretto.